Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April Finish - New Baby Quilt

Just a quick post to show my completed baby quilt for my brother's step-daughter's new baby.
This quilt was my April OMG at Elm Street Quilts. Here is my Beginning of April OMG Post

I had purchased this cute fabric with little animals on it - mice, foxes, bunnies and hedgehogs. I thought it went well together.
I used the blue bunnies and hedgehogs for the back. I do really like the backing. 
Also, the quilt, itself, will be nice for my niece to lay on the floor and the baby to play on. The only thing that I was a bit undecided about is that it turned out a little dark. Although, maybe that will hide spills or whatever. Let's hope so anyway.

I guess, sometimes, when I work on a project for a while, I just get tired of seeing it or whatever. And then I just don't know if the person that receives it will like it. After all, it is handmade and not made in China.


  1. I think it is wonderfully sophisticated. I never mind baby quilts being a bit on the dark side - it helps moms use them and not worry so much about them. I am sure it will be well loved.

  2. This is a gorgeous quilt, I love the fabrics and the layout. Baby will love it!

  3. Your quilt is beautiful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!
